When you want to sit down and rest your cat can disturb you by attacking your feet or scratching against you as it wanders around the house. This could mean that your cat wants to play with you or she is expressing love to you. Sometimes these attacks could say more than play and love.
If you are tired of cat attacks, you can take simple steps to prevent this behavior. But before changing your cat`s behavior, you must identify why it exhibits this behavior. A cat can be aggressive with its owner for many reasons. The main reasons why does my cat attack my legs are listed below.
Attack to attract attention
The primary reason as to why most cats attack their owners‘ feet is to attract attention from them. This attention could mean they want food or they want to play. To decondition this behavior is somehow tricky because it takes a lot of time for a cat to be conditioned to this behavior.
2 Genetics
Genetics can also be a reason as to why your cat attacks your feet. Research indicates that the personality of a cat is in most instances similar to that of its parent and it is not easy to change that personality. Some cats generally do not like people regardless of how good they treat them.
The surrounding conditions matter a lot when it comes to a cat`s behavior. Cats who live in single cat-households tend to be more aggressive compared to those who live in homesteads with many cats just because of boredom.
Medical conditions
Some medical conditions can play a role in a cat`s feet attacks. A disease like hyperthyroidism may lead to a pet being aggressive to its owner. If you are not sure of your cat`s health, condition its advised that you consultation from a veterinarian.
Aggression of pain
If the environment of your home stays the same, but your cat suddenly becomes aggressive, it may be due to a sudden illness. For example, arthritis, dental problems or other painful conditions can make your cat aggressive.
Stop the attacks of cats.
There are many ways to stop your cat from attacking your feet if you can sit down and take time to study your cat`s behavior most likely you are going to establish a good relationship with her.
Play regularly with your cat
The first measure to undertake is to play with your cat continually. It is not a must you do it regularly; you can do it some minutes in the morning before going to work and a couple of minutes in the evening after work. By doing so, you will make your kitten satisfied and happy. If the cat bites and scratches too much you can buy her some cat toys to play with when you are not around.
Put a necklace with a bell on your cat.
You can also put a bell with a necklace on your kitten or cat. This will assist you to know when the cat is coming out to ambush you. This perhaps will save from panic and being surprised and stumbling over your cat.
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