You have probably eaten watermelon and seen your cat getting curious about it. Some cats may even climb over their owners to get at the food on the table. Others may subtly watch from a distance while waiting for a piece of the delicacy to drop onto the floor for them to eat. You have probably thrown watermelon pieces at your cat while doubting if your cat is safe with watermelon.
Is your cat safe with watermelon?
Watermelon is a sweet, healthy, and refreshing fruit snack, especially in the summer heat. Your impulses might have nudged you to share a piece with your kitty before your doubts kicked in. You must have wondered, can a cat eat watermelon?
Indeed, watermelon is suitable for cats, as long as you serve it in moderation.
Benefits of watermelon
The interesting twist of irony is that cats are reluctant to sweet but interested in melons. The answer to this puzzle is the high-water content in the fruit. 91.4g/100g of the fruit is water. The main component of melons is water. This fact may be the solution for cats who do not like to drink but love to eat a lot. Melons may be the right treat for your cat.
Watermelons are also rich in fiber. Fiber is an essential part of your feline’s diet, yet some cat foods do not pack enough amounts of it. Fiber prevents constipation and keeps your cat alert.
Melons also pack a lot of vitamins and pre and probiotics. The fruit also contains minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Your furball is also likely to acquire a healthier heart and stronger bones from the carotenoid lycopene in watermelons.
Guidelines on feeding your cat watermelons
Remove all the seeds when feeding your pet watermelons. Seeds contain cyanide and may harm your cat. Remove the rind. As obligate carnivores, cats lack the enzyme that breaks down rind. Do not feed your kitty melons if it is diabetic. Limit giving your cat watermelons to occasional treats.
Watermelon can be the ideal fruit snack when your cat needs hydration. However, it would help if you exercised moderation when feeding your furball watermelon. You may even consult your veterinarian to check if a watermelon is safe for your cat.
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