If your cat suddenly drinks a lot more than usual, it can have different causes. Whether safe or not, the veterinarian decides in case of doubt – here are some possible reasons that could be responsible for the increased thirst of your fur nose.
If your cat is drinking more than usual, your general condition should determine how quickly you visit a vet. If you see another change in her – whether it be disease symptoms or abnormalities in the creature – you should not delay the vet visit, because it could be that the velvet paw is sick. If she is well, plays eat and have a nice, healthy coat, she may feel thirsty for any of the following reasons.
When the cat drinks a lot: Possible Causes
If a fur nose suddenly drinks a lot more than usual and it is very warm outside, it may well be that the summer heat is responsible for their thirst. Just like humans, the cat has a higher fluid requirement at high temperatures and should be able to cover it with plenty of fresh water. Maybe she has also eaten a lot of dry food – namely, a large part of your fluid requirements cover Stubentiger on the wet food. If your cat releases prisoners, it could also be that they got hold of an extra portion of dry food with one of your neighbors, or that she has somewhere stolen something salty.
Thirst as a disease symptom
If the cat suddenly drinks a lot of water, illnesses can also be responsible, so you should not hesitate too long to see a vet. Most cat owners then discover other symptoms of the disease that can vary depending on the cause.
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Fatigue, aggressiveness, withdrawn behavior, shaggy fur or injuries should alert you and be discussed with the veterinarian. This will determine if your pet’s big thirst may be one of the symptoms of illnesses like diabetes mellitus or kidney failure. Even poisoning could be present when a stubby suddenly drink a lot of water.
Cats also spend a long time without water
The domestic cat comes from the North African and Asia Minor area. “It is originally a desert animal and can, therefore, be left without water for a long time,” explains Thomas Steidl. Nevertheless, owners must make sure that the cat drinks enough.
Pay attention to the water consumption of the cat
If you have the impression that your pet never touches the drinking bowl, a visit to the vet will help. This examines whether the animal suffers from dehydration – because this can be dangerous: “It can form crystals in the urine, which injure the mucous membranes,” said veterinarian Behr. The result is painful bladder infections.
On the other hand, if the cat suddenly drinks a lot and hastily, this may be a warning signal. “The simplest reason may be that it is very warm and the cat has cleaned a lot,” explains Behr. In the worst case, diabetes or kidney disease is behind it.
Cats drink less under stress
In addition to the amount of drink, owners should also observe the other behavior of their cat. Craftsmen in the house, a new tenant in the apartment opposite or another cat on the adjacent balcony: This means stress for the four-legged friends. “Cats drink less, especially in stressful situations,” explains Steidl. In this case, owners could infuse extra water into their cat. “The owner can then simply get a syringe from the vet, fill with water and give the cat in the mouth.”
To bring their cat to drink, so owners must be creative. Each animal has its preferences because only help try. “And if the fishbowl must necessarily be on top of the shelf or water well is needed.
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