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How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas In the House

Fleas can be irritating; these bloodsuckers are nothing less of a nightmare to any cat out there.

Fleas are small, fast and ugly. Ugly if you’ve had the liberty of examining them with a microscope they inhabit your cat’s skin and causes itching as they fest on the cat’s blood.

It is said that fleas on your cat represent 5% of total fleas found in your house.

Believe that you wouldn’t want these suckers anywhere near you and that’s why we recommend you take fast actions to eradicate this menace through the steps we have outlined below.

Fleas are known to multiply fast, and thus fast actions should be employed, and this is how to get rid of cat fleas in the house.

Pet treatment

The first step of getting rid of the fleas is treating the cat with the flea infestation drugs regularly.

If you do this, you will never get the problem of fleas at your place.

Using the appropriate and effective treatment spots the advantage is that you will get rid of the fleas from the cat and make your cat comfortable and happy

It is a must, and a must keep that when you apply the first dose you will reapply the next dose after every four weeks.

Keep pet beddings clean.

Cleaning of your pet beddings is either using a vacuum cleaner or washing your bet beddings with hot water that the material can take.

Dry the pet bedding after washing with high temperature that the material can withstand

This help so much to get rid of the fleas

Clean everything

Cleaning of the bed seat covers blankets seating cushions pillows with hot water help to get rid of the fleas.

This applies equally to your clothes or any other laundry in your house.

This helps to get rid of the fleas quickly.

Vacuum cleaning and vacuum bit more

Vacuum cleaning of your house carpet and soft furnishing like sofa sets every day or after three weeks’ helps to get rid of the fleas.

Worse infestations may take longer, and that is why you should pay attention to the cracks and the dark corners where flea eggs could be lurking or any other flea dirt.

Vacuum cleaning

Flea eggs can be caught in the vacuum that’s is why the vacuum is needed to be cleaned thoroughly.

The eggs can get cloned for months inside or hang inside if you are using a bagless vacuum cleaner you advised cleaning the washable vacuum parts with hot water which the material can with a stand to get rid of flea eggs or fleas.


After vacuuming and cleaning everything spraying and fogging of the infested affected rooms is required to kill the adult fleas and larvae which might have been missed during cleaning.

Dosage should in the instruction be strictly followed, and the dosage must be used be administered frequently to make sure that you have completely gotten rid of the fleas.

Signs of fleas on your cat

  •    Scratching is one of the most obvious ways to see if your cat has fleas.
  •    Can observe flea excrement with a flea comb.
  •    Smashing the dirt and noticing some red patches indicates the presence of fleas.

Diseases brought about by fleas.

  •    Tapeworms
  •    Haemobartonellosis: this is severe anemia that is mostly caused by microscopic organisms carried by fleas.
  •    Anemia: This due to blood loss.

Most people who are new to pet parenting experience this problem. Should take the stated steps keenly to fight this deadly organism which could infest your homes.

It is also advisable to use the best products that would work best for your cat and not cause long-lasting side effects.

Flea dirt is something that is highly recommended for any cat owner; it will help you detect fleas on your cat.

If no action is taken your home soon will also be infested, and you will end up getting bites as well.

If you get any preventative drugs from the animal chemist, ensure you use the best dosage according to the animal’s age and weight.

Ensure your cat is happy!

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