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Can Dogs Eat Spicy?

Since humans love spicy food, it’s natural to wonder if their fur baby is like a sprinkle of spices in the everyday diet. Indeed, dogs always show a strong interest in eating spicy treats or foods. But have you ever wondered, can dogs eat spicy? Is it okay to add a pinch of chili powder or sauce to your dog’s food? Let’s dive in deeper to the facts about spices and canines:

Can you feed spicy to dogs?

A one-word answer is No! Spicy is one of the most toxic foods to your canine’s health. Sharing spicy food with dogs might cause extremely severe health problems including gas, pain, discomfort, and diarrhea. It induces excessive thirst and makes your dog dehydrated. 

What spicy does to your dog’s health?

Spicy foods immediately turn up the heat on the taste buds on your dog’s tongue. Dogs have only 1700 taste buds, whereas humans have 9000 different taste buds. According to the American Kennel Club, dogs’ taste buds are not sensitive to enjoying various flavors like us. Feeding spicy food doesn’t make any difference; it just upset the canines stomach and digestive tract. 

What happens when a dog eats spicy food?

Upon consuming anything spicy, the nervous system starts responding, and body pain fibers react to the chemical capsaicin that leads to an intense sensation, burning, and warm feeling inside the canine’s body. Just like humans, dogs experience a sensation of burning to a degree. All the spicy substances like capsaicin trigger an irritation response in all the mammals.

What are the effects of spice on dogs?

If your dog consumed enough amounts of spicy food to cross the limit, the primary symptoms are irritation in the gastrointestinal tract, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, spicy foods might cause long term health issues like canine pancreatitis. 


Can dogs eat spicy? Definitely a No! As dog owners, it is our responsibility to take good care of our fur babies. Also, the dog’s smelling scene is much more powerful than ours, which makes their eyes watery as soon as they eat or smell spicy food. So it is never a good decision to feed spice to your dog.

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