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Can Cats Have Rice?

People love to share their meals with their kitties. However, sometimes, cat owners are unsure what to do when their pets meow, purr and snuggle them for a share of a particular food like rice. Since rice is starch while cats are obligate carnivores, those in the cusp of sharing rice with their kitty wonder, “Can cats have rice?” Please read on to find out. 

Rice and your kitty’s health

Most cats do not develop complications after taking well-prepared rice. Besides, rice can rid your cat of diarrhea and digestive problems. However, there are notable exceptions that call for caution. Cats are obligate carnivores, whose main diet is meat. Rice is outside the range of food, making up felines’ natural diet and lacks the nutrients cats need. Therefore, regular rice servings can make your cat malnourished. 

Additionally, rice is pure starch. A lot of rice can pack a lot of weight in your kitty’s body. Your kitty can thus become overweight and incur circulatory and liver problems. 

Tips on serving your cat with rice


You may also want to consider your kitty’s age and health status and the amount of rice you are to serve. Young and old pets should not be served rice because they are less active and have weaker digestive systems. You should limit rice servings to brown plain or white plain rice. Never give your furball seasoned rice, to avoid poisoning it. Mix the rice with the kitty’s regular food to make the serving more edible and helpful. 


Can cats have rice? Yes, they can. Rice relieves your cat from digestive problems and diarrhea, as it is rich in roughage. However, limit the rice servings to rare occasions and minute amounts. By so doing, your cat is not at the risk of becoming obese or malnourished. It is advisable to consult your veterinarian before feeding your furball on rice. 

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