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Can Cats Eat Apples

The adage, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away is well-worn and time-tested. However, the ability of apples to keep a veterinarian away is uncertain. This uncertainty especially applies when it comes to cats. 

Is your cat safe eating apples?

As an obligate carnivore, a cat cannot completely digest anything that is not meat. Usually, cats ignore apples. However, a cat may decide to bite an apple playfully. Your kitty may also be drawn to the fruit because of the scent. 

Small amounts of apples do not hurt kitties. Apples have antioxidants which are suitable for felines. There are also calcium, fiber, and vitamin C and K in apples. These nutrients are helpful to your cat. However, as you feed your cat an apple, exercise moderation. 

Tips to feeding your kitty an apple

Again, apples are crunchy and difficult for carnivores to eat. The secret to this difficulty is applesauce. You can prepare applesauce for your cat as it is a bit more potable. Potable food is easier to take than crunchy ones. Your pet is also less likely to choke on sauce than on solid food. If you are unable to make applesauce, chop the apple into tiny bits so that your furball does not choke on it. 

Things to look out for

In themselves, apples are highly nutritious and keep diseases at bay. However, apple pips and core contain cyanide. Cyanide is poisonous and may act on cats fast because of their small size. Removing the core and the pips are easy and take a short time. The core and the seeds may give your kitty a running stomach, heart palpitations, and rapid breathing. If your pet has consumed the pips and the core, contact your veterinarian immediately. 


Apples are suitable for your cat. As you feed your furball, an apple, exercise moderation. Ensure your serving does not have the core and the seeds to avoid poisoning your cat. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian. 

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